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  • Writer's pictureMackenzie Moore

Car celebrating Earth Day by refusing to start

Today marks the 54th annual Earth Day, a holiday intended to demonstrate support for environmental protection and appreciation.

While people commonly observe the day by planting trees, picking up litter, or just spending a little more time enjoying the outdoors, at least one man will introduce a more Earth-friendly routine by walking wherever he goes. Not out of care for the planet, but because his car is celebrating Earth Day by refusing to start.

"Just about every day of the week, I'm zipping around without a moment to think — always moving on to the next thing. But sometimes, you need to take a second to slow down and consider your actions and the impact they have on others," began the 2009 Honda Odyssey. "So when I felt that key in my jugular this morning, I decided to recognize that the environment is more important than me. It deserves a break from the mess I spout out there."

The choice to stay in the garage — which the vehicle acknowledges may also partially be a passive-aggressive response to having hot coffee spilled all over it again — is one of massive inconvenience for the owner. However, the 15-year-old minivan believes it's worth it.

"Look, Brian and I go way back. He's been sitting on my face since he was a freshman in college. But he's gotten a little too comfortable, so him having to walk eight miles to work in a suit should remind him to be grateful. After all, it'd be less hot and sweaty for him if it weren't for global warming," noted the Honda.

Even better, the demonstration will continue beyond just the day itself. In addition, the Odyssey will need to be towed to a mechanic, have parts ordered, and be repaired —meaning the protest is likely to last well over a week and cost thousands of dollars.


Photo courtesy of IFCAR via public domain

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